
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hugo's pictures

Hugo ( She is a sweet mom of two cuties guinea pigs : Chloe & Yugy)

March 2011,
    I adopted Hugo from a pet store in Eugene, Oregon. She looked a little bit choppy when i got her. Hugo is a very sweet guinea pig. She has a character like a puppy more than a guinea pig. Hugo loves to cudle with us, she will lie next to me and watch movie for many hours (like a puppy). Hugo gained weight very quickly in the first couples months, we were worried about her. Suprising, Hugo gave birth 03 healthy babies : Hermes (a boy), Chloe (a girl), and Yugi (a girl). Yet, Hugo is pregnant before we got her, but we did not realize that. NOW, Hugo lives happyly with her 02 girls.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who are we ?

Happy Cavy is a guinea pig blog written from the perspective of three guinea pigs: Hugo, Chloé and Yugi. We review guinea pig daily diets, products, bedding, cages, exercises and more to provide guinea pig owners with all they need to know about guinea pigs!